yep....i start it today not an ardent cant be sure how long will this new found love persist...hope to continue
but as i know...probably some of u would know...what i think...or rather hope....reality takes just the opposite turn.......nor that i really rue the rather habituated .... why a new blog?...or may be to put it more perfectly why blogging at all?.....
well i think there happens to be a large disparity between perceptions that exist about me....i mean very many of my friends do believe me in a way which may be stark different to each other....
i have no intentions to bring them in a line ...but cant i expect people who think i can be some way or the other a friend of them at least......know me the way i think i am?
precisely this is the reason im trying out this absolutely new venture....
would love ur cooperation
i love my friends.....those who r with me...those who have left me
i love them...i miss them.....i care...really....i cant help but only think one day all will be fine.....but as i said...reality takes just the opposite turn.....
better i start doing what i do the best....writting gibberish...n get on ur nerves...
next day onwards i will start....if i feel the impulse...i may start it today also....
i cant help
thinking a bit eccentric?
so i am!!!