Thursday, February 19, 2009

Another Gibberish

I was just surfing various sites...collecting good pictures and some good quotations, as I often do...I mean that's a good pass time. I suppose I am hopelessly emotional, too much into the baseless never-ending habit of identifying myself with anything or every thing or situation I find, or may start applying a Quote that I come across to justify some events in my life---no matter how obscure and insignificant that may be.
Now, talking insignificant is another hardship as somehow I have managed to point out significance into what we pass off as insignificant...lolzzz...that's my habit, just go on and on thinking and thinking and coming up with some extraodinary idiotic ideas which I only have the guts to relish as brilliant brainchild of mine...never mind...
What I was talking about....surfing through the net I suddenly came across this one.....insignificant, Isn't it? Did we ever notice before some one took the charge to make us do it?....I suppose no. So then it is how insignificant things become significant...and then my good old habit just sank in me to bug me all the more and in no time I was just leafing through my past....horrible, terrible one all the time dragging me back...and searching out events that can be a good example of this!!!
Believe your risk....lolzzzz..... one single event?...isn't our whole existence on the firm belief that we believe?
we do because we believe...we suffer because we believed.
I believed a friend....I suffered.
I believed another friend...I suffered.
I believed my many of us....after all studying in CU and be not getting cheated in some thing impossible.....but the obscure unnecessary list will continue...concrete stories will continue coming up and destabilize our mind if we really want to go deeper with this idea of belief-lie paradox. After all what will remain if we even let go our this much possessions?...whet do we really have? Money, status and blah blah...I should not sound like a bull-shit sage...but then all depends on the trust....we do because we believe that doing so will make me happy...and therefore others. May be we get cheated, we fail...but do we really stop endeavoring? just its our undying habit of our own capabilities,others' enthusiasm n all .....we will believe...and then are we really cheated, broken all the time?....our parents...some real good friends?...well time may have the best answer to it.......But what I believe now is I have managed to eat a considerable time of yours and have succeeded in boring you to near death. You know this belief of mine never cheats nothing is absolute...what say?
a qoute is good but a qoute at the end....lolzzz

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